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Case Studies

A 55 years old female Mrs. R. S. (Patient Ref. No. L6189), reported to the clinic for complaints of oral lichen planus since 2 years. She had raised, reddish lesions of the buccal mucosa that had come up after she had started wearing dentures. There would be an intense burning pain in the lesions.....Read more

34-years-old female, Mrs. V.S.G. (Patient Identification Number 25916) visited Life Force center on 10th June 2015. She was suffering from frequent cold since 1-2 years. She used to suffer from sneezing and nasal discharge every fortnight pretty continuously for 4-5 days. She suffered .....Read more

A patient, Mrs S.B.(L-11208) aged 52 , consulted Dr Rajesh Shah for her complaints of non healing ulcer. She was suffering from a rare disorder called "Lipodermatosclerosis" She was suffering from this illness since the last 20 years. She had non healing ulcers on both .....Read more

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Explaining Hair loss, Alopecia Areata and Male Pattern Baldness treatment, by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Psoriatic Arthritis

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD: Homeopathy cannot be taught over week end schools!

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