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Case Studies

Mrs. A.V. 54 year old gentleman (Patient Referance Number 13577) visited Life Force with complaints of enlarged prostate. He suffered from severe burning pain during and after urination. There was increased frequency of urine, during acute attacks he would have to visit the toilet every five minu.....Read more

Mrs. N.K.S. (PIN: 35840) visited Life Force Homeopathy for her complaints of Dermatitis, which she was suffering from more than 15 years. She had inherited the complaints from her father, as he was having similar complaints.

There were red eruptions over both her thighs along with dryne.....Read more

A 33-year-old female patient, Mrs. B.S. came with the complaints of appearance of some tiny new lesions on her scalp and thighs. She visited the head branch of Life Force Homeopathy to put an end to the problem. This was the first time she was going to start with homeopathy treatment. The patient.....Read more

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Causes of Vitiligo & Theories Responsible for Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Anxiety Neurosis

Do homeopathic medicine contain cortisone or steroids?

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