Case-2: Young girl gets relief from Herpes Zoster within two weeks with homeopathy

    A thirteen years young girl, Miss T.S. (Patient Identification number: 2506) who was under our care for Asthma, reported to the center for an acute and severe form of Herpes Zoster.

    She had developed herpes zoster on her upper chest, shoulder and near the neck. It was very painful with severe burning, redness and formation of thick whitish crusts.The patient had associated body ache with cold and cough.

    Dr. Rajesh Shah examined the girl on 2nd November 2011 and prescribed Mezereum 200 C to be taken four pills, four times a day for two weeks. 

    She visited our clinic for follow up on 16th Novemeber 2011 after two weeks and reported of complete recovery in Herpes Zoster. Homeopathy works really fast and effectively, even in acute ailments.

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    A thirteen years young girl, Miss T.S. (Patient Identification number: 2506) who was under our care for Asthma, reported to the center for an acute and severe form of Herpes Zoster.

    She had developed herpes zoster on her upper chest, shoulder and near the neck. It was very painful with .....Read more

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