Case-11: Say no to steroids, Yes to homeopathy for heel pain!!

    Say no to steroids, Yes to homeopathy for heel pain!! 

    Mrs. I. P. S. (Patient Identification Number: 23229), a forty-six years old woman, working as a maid, visited LifeForce on 12th of August 2014 with a complaint of severe pain in her left heel since last five to six months. The heel pain would get worse on taking first few steps, and it would gradually get better as she moved about. She had been taking local steroid injections in her heel and conventional painkillers for almost a month. After a thorough examination, it was diagnosed as the calcaneal spur.

    Along with this, she also complained of pain and stiffness in the neck on and off since last one year. It would be specifically worse after a head bath. She also suffered from pain in both hips since one year, disabling her from sitting with crossed legs or squatting. X-ray was not done.


    Physically, she was stout. She was a nonvegetarian by diet. Her appetite was average. She had a dislike for sour food. Her thirst was normal. She had scanty perspiration and was sensitive to cold weather. Her bowel movements were unsatisfactory. Urination and sleep were normal.


    She was working as a maidservant. Her husband was not working as he had suffered from brain stroke in the past. She had two daughters, one of whom was married, and another one was living with her. She also had a son who was working.


    In her family, her father was diabetic. There was no other significant family history of any major illness.


    There was no history of any major illness or surgeries in her past.


    She was a family oriented and responsible person. Due to some unavoidable circumstances, the company where her husband was working, got shut down, after which the entire financial responsibility was taken by her. Although, she had no grudges about it.


    Dr. Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed her two doses of Medorrhinum 30c and one of his research based molecules for six weeks. Dr. Shah also advised her to get her vitamin D3 levels checked. She was also advised to discontinue the steroid injections and the painkillers which she had been taking since a month.


    She visited the clinic for her first follow up on 6th November 2014. She was better by fifty percent in all her complaints. The pain in left heel had subsided considerably. Dr. Shah enhanced the dose of medicines for next one month.


    For next follow up, she visited the clinic on 10th December 2014. The heel pain was better for the entire month with a mild increase in pain since past ten days. She could not relate to any cause. The pain in the neck and lower back were much better than before. Dr. Shah made some necessary changes in the prescription and medicines were given for one month.


    On 27th of January 2015, she visited the clinic again. She was so happy to inform that the heel pain had reduced by ninety-five percent. Also, the pain and stiffness in neck and lower back had reduced and she could carry out her daily activities without any discomfort. Dr. Shah repeated the same medicines for six weeks as she was improving with the ongoing prescription.


    Her last visit was on 28th February 2015. The positive results had continued consistently and she was free from the excruciating pain in her left heel. Just within a short duration of eight months, she had completely recovered from the pain in heel caused by calcaneal spur and even her associated complaints had improved with homeopathic medicines. She did not take a single steroid injection or painkillers in last eight months.


    Conclusion: Calcaneal spur responds very well to homeopathic treatment. When correct homeopathic medicine is prescribed in the correct dose, it helps in reducing the inflammation in the heel bone, thereby relieving the pain, swelling, and stiffness. The conventional system of medicine does not have any effective solution for this condition, except for steroid injections and painkillers. This case wonderfully depicts how a patient achieved complete relief for her complaints with homeopathic medicines even after stopping steroids and painkillers.


    (Case study uploaded by Dr. A. U. on 21st September 2015)

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