Case-1: Free from Tinea!

    A 25 years young patient, Mr. P.G. (PIN 11072) reported to the center for complaints of Tinea corporis. He had ring worm lesions on the fingers, web of fingers, forearms and cheek. He was feeling very awkward due to this in his new job.

    He had taken medicines from the dermatologist for three to four times, but it invariably relapsed. So he consulted Dr Shah for his treatment.

    Dr Shah told him that with Homeopathy this will be cured and also prevent the recurrences.

    His case was studied in detail by an assistant to Dr. Shah.

    Patient was a young man, he had completed his MBA and was working in a MNC, he had good relations with his family. His father had a shop and his mother was a house wife.

    His sister was married. Patient was a pampered, short tempered boy.

    He liked salty and spicy food.

    He was more tolerant to winter than summer.

    He suffered from headache on going out in the Sun.

    Dr Shah prescribed Bacillinum 200 C and Natrum-Mur 200 C, the patient was under our treatment for four months.

    He showed good recovery and was asked to stop the treatment.

    He reported after 2 years for his fiancées treatment.

    He confirmed that the Tinea never recurred.

    Case-1: Free from Tinea!

    A 25 years young patient, Mr. P.G. (PIN 11072) reported to the center for complaints of Tinea corporis. He had ring worm lesions on the fingers, web of fingers, forearms and cheek. He was feeling very awkward due to this in his new job.

    He had taken medicines from the dermatologist for three to four times, but it invariably relapsed. So he consulted Dr Shah for his treatment.

    Dr Shah told him that with Homeopathy this will be cured and also prevent the recurrences.

    His case was studied in detail by an assistant to Dr. Shah.

    Patient was a young man, he had completed his MBA and was working in a MNC, he had good relations with his family. His father had a shop and his mother was a house wife.

    His sister was married. Patient was a pampered, short tempered boy.

    He liked salty and spicy food.

    He was more tolerant to winter than summer.

    He suffered from headache on going out in the Sun.

    Dr Shah prescribed Bacillinum 200 C and Natrum-Mur 200 C, the patient was under our treatment for four months.

    He showed good recovery and was asked to stop the treatment.

    He reported after 2 years for his fiancées treatment.

    He confirmed that the Tinea never recurred.

    Question to Dr. Shah's Team
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    A 25 years young patient, Mr. P.G. (PIN 11072) reported to the center for complaints of Tinea corporis. He had ring worm lesions on the fingers, web of fingers, forearms and cheek. He was feeling very awkward due to this in his new job.

    He had taken medicines.....Read more

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