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Case Studies

A 14 yrs young girl Miss P.S (Patient Identification Number- 14960) visited Life Force Center for psoriasis treatment.

She had mild psoriasis.....Read more

A 19-year-old boy from Tamil Nadu, Mr. Y.G (PIN: 26785) started online treatment from Life Force on 16th September 2015 for his complaints of vitiligo.

The patient’s mother gave a detailed history online. The parents of the patient had noticed the spots on his body 5 days back, an.....Read more

A 37 yrs male N.M (L-10709) came to the clinic with complaints of pain in both heels which were diagnosed as Calcanea spur, since 1 ½ yrs. The pain was severe for 10 days. The pain was more in right heel compared to the left. The pain was continuous in nature which was more on walking.....Read more

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Ulcerative Colitis

Did you know how homeopathy works?

Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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