Dr Rajesh Shah, being a promoter of homeopathy, was using all forms of media to spread the message of homeopathy since his undergraduate years. Being convinced of the truth being the homeopathic principles and their role in safe healthcare, even as a young student he used to distribute self-typed leaflets to co-passengers in the train, while traveling to the homeopathic college, daily!

When the Internet emerged, Dr Shah envisaged the scope of this medium to promote homeopathy. He soon launched one of the first homeopathy websites in the world and then about 25 more websites, dedicated to homeopathy.

After answering singlehandedly thousands of queries from patients across the world, he offered Online medical practice to patients from any part of the globe, way back in 1995. He was the first doctor to set up an internet-based clinic.

The journey continued till the date. Over the last two decades, Dr Shah has helped patient’s queries from all parts of the world. Not only that but, he also has treated patients from across all continents.

In the year 2000, his name flashed in the Limca Book of World Records of treating patients from the highest number of countries in the world. That point, he has patients from 99 countries.  The count has crossed 181 countries as on 2015.

Dr Shah is the only doctor in the world who has treated patients from so many countries. And, more importantly, he has promoted homeopathy to millions of people across the globe.

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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Case Studies

41 years old, Mr. P. A. (Patient Identification Number - 19758) availed our online treatment on 11th October from Muscat, Oman for his Vitiligo complaints. He had noticed the first spot 6 months ago at the corners of the mouth. He had spots on the chin, cheeks, and forehead and around the lips. H.....Read more

A 7-years-old young boy, Mast. A.Y. (PIN: 35986) came to Dr. Shah on 3rd March 2018 for the treatment of Molluscum contagiosum. He had eruption around his mouth and on the abdomen and axilla for the past five months. He had a number of small, firm, raised pimple-like bumps on the skin with a pear.....Read more

24 years old female Miss S.J.P. [PIN 9697] visited Life Force on 13 June 2007. She was suffering from hair fall since the last one year. Her scalp and face would become oily. Previously she did not face any such problem. In the last one year there was a distinct change. The scalp and face skin had.....Read more
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