I have improved drastically. The severe itching that I suffered from on my back and buttock has decreased about 90%. The sores on the back are no longer inflammed and red. They are now turning dark grey to black but still raised (not flat). My arms are also no longer itching as much and neither are my breast or abdomen. The advancement of the disease has slowed down but it hasn't stopped. I now have more severe itching around my feet and ankles and a little on my legs. The sores however are not red, most are little bumps that are the same color as my skin. A few are gray, dry and flakey where I often can peal off a top layer of ashy skin from the sore. Those are not getting bigger but they do continue to itch from time to time. The itching on my legs, feet and ankles are not ongoing but occurs about 25 to 50% of the day.
M. W., USA