Appendicitis Gets Treated Effectively With Homeopathy By Avoiding The Need For Surgery

A 5-years-old girl, Baby A. S. (PIN L6310) was brought to the clinic with the complaints of recurrent pain in the abdomen for one year. For the past 1 ½ months, the pain had been occurring almost every day. She would get pain in the upper right side of the abdomen and would remain localized to this particular region only. The pain would start suddenly and would last for about 5 minutes.
The pain was of an aching type and the intensity of the pain was mild. There was nothing, in particular, that would trigger the pain and it would come on during any time of the day. She had been given courses of antibiotics in the past without much relief. She had also received medication for deworming which was without any significant relief again. She had no major complaints pertaining to the stools or urine and there was no history of any weight loss or vomiting. Her routine blood and urine investigations were normal and abdominal sonography also did not indicate any abnormalities. X-ray barium meal and follow-through showed signs of chronic appendicitis. Her parents did not want to opt for surgery which they had been suggested; instead, they decided to opt for homeopathic treatment of her complaints.
She had a normal appetite and was particularly fond of chicken, meat, fish, cottage cheese, and yogurt. She did not like to eat vegetables. She had an average height and built.
She stayed with her parents and elder brother and was studying in kindergarten. She was a very naughty but pleasant child. She loved to talk and would keep looking out for the people with whom she could sit and chat. She would get angry when her wishes were not fulfilled and would weep a lot at such times telling her parents that they did not love her. She would weep easily but would calm down soon. She was a playful child and liked to play with her brother and dolls.
She had received anti-tuberculous treatment for a period of 9 months when she was 2 years old. Apart from this, there was no history of any major illness that she had suffered from in the past. Her father suffered from hypothyroidism, and her mother had an allergy to the eggs. Her grandfather had hypertension and diabetes.
Based on the above history, she was prescribed Mercurius solubilis 200 for her complaints.
A month later, her mother reported to us her improvement which had occurred by about 50% during this span of time.
The medication was continued, and, at the end of 3 months of treatment, her relief from the pain was better by 90%. She would get the pain only occasionally and it would last for just about a minute.
Her treatment was continued for another month after which it was concluded. She reported to us a year later and was completely asymptomatic till then.
This case shows us that even in some surgical cases, such as chronic appendicitis, homeopathy can offer a good solution and help in avoiding the surgery wherever possible.
Remark: The remedy prescribed in these cases is patient-specific i.e. it has been prescribed based on the symptoms specific to the patient at that particular time. It is advisable that the patient does not indulge in any self-medication.