Dr. Rajesh Shah

Homeopathic Treatment for Gall Stones

Gallstones are clumps of crystallized cholesterol or some pigments in the gallbladder. This condition is fairly common (affects 11% of the general population) women are twice as likely as men to develop gallstones. (Medical dictum for Gallstones is: It's a disease of fat female of forty).

The gallbladder is a small sac situated just under the liver and it produces bile juice that is essential for the proper digestion of fats. The bile juice mainly contains cholesterol, water, bile salts, and a pigment called Bilirubin. When the proportion of these contents is altered in the bile juice, gallstones start forming.

Types of Gallstones:

There are two basic types of gallstones:

  • Cholesterol gallstones: Made up of cholesterol (accounting for about 80% of cases)
  • Pigment stones: Made up of the pigment Bilirubin

Factors contributing to the development of gallstones

  • Obesity
  • It's twice as common in females as compared in males
  • People over the age of 60 years are at higher risk
  • Fasting, diabetes, rapid weight loss can also lead to the formation of gallstones in some cases

Homeopathic treatment for gallstonesMany patients having gallstones may not have any complaints. However, some may experience pain in the upper abdomen radiating to the back. The pain may last up to 2-6 hours.



All the factors that form stone are present in the bile under normal circumstances; however, they are in a dissolved state. If there is an increase in the concentration of cholesterol or pigments, they crystallize and precipitate out as stones. Factors such as increasing age, pregnancy, obesity, liver disorders, and infections can have an impact on the development of gallstones. Some studies suggest that genetics and heredity factors are at the root of this condition that makes one prone to have gallstones.

The suggestion for homeopathic treatment:

When the stones are of a smaller size, homeopathic medicines will help in possibly reduce the size of the stones. Homeopathy medicines are effective in alleviating pain as well as chronic inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) associated with the condition. Homeopathy also helps to control further stone production activity. It the stones are bigger, multiple and impacted, it may require surgical intervention. In cases of Large and multiple stones, homeopathy has no curative role to play.

Homeopathic Remedies for gallbladder stones

Some of the common Homeopathic medicines for gallbladder stones include Calcarea carbonica, Chelidonium, Phosphorus, Lycopodium clavatum, Nux vomica, China sulphuricum, Berberis vulgaris, and Thuja occidentalis.

Gallbladder stones are found normally among 20% of females. Small stones in the gallbladder could be helped with homeopathy. Large stones are better treated by surgery.

Here is a brief description of a few commonly used Homeopathic medicines in Gall stones:

  1. Calcarea carbonicum: Calcarea carb homeopathic medicine for gallstones has a tendency to develop gallstones. They do experience right-sided abdominal pain, the pain is dull aching especially in the right upper abdomen, commonly accompanied by gall stones and the pain may extend to the back. They do experience bloating, discomfort, and prolonged feelings of heaviness especially after eating fatty, rich foods pointing to sluggish digestion. It is indicated for people who have a weak and slow metabolism. It is beneficial in cases of gallstones which develop as a result of prolonged stress and anxiety. The one who needs Calcarea carbonicum feels generally weak and always has low energy levels.
  2. Chelidonium majus: It is beneficial for cases of gallstones when pain radiates from the right upper part of the abdomen to the right side shoulder blade. There is a persistent bitter taste in the morning. The people who need this remedy crave hot drinks which seem to provide some relief from the gallbladder discomfort. The gallstones lead to jaundice characterized by yellowing of the eyes and skin. The nausea is severe sometimes associated with vomiting of bile. The pain in the gallbladder worsens with pressure or palpation, and pain is worsened by touch.  The stools are pale or clay-coloured due to blocked bile ducts and stools are hard and difficult to pass. Individuals who are easily angered and highly irritable especially those suffering from gallstone pain respond well to Chelidonium.
  3. Phosphorous: Phosphorous, gallbladder sludge treatment in homeopathy, is helpful in cases of gallstones wherein the patient experiences stinging, burning type of pain. They do have a strong desire for cold drinks which give temporary relief from complaints. The vomiting occurs shortly after eating. The digestive issues are linked with emotional stress, and the symptoms of gallstone are worse by emotional stress or anxiety. There is noticeable tenderness in the liver region, particularly on the right side of the abdomen. There is a sensation of fullness in the stomach that feels as though food sits heavily for a long time.
  4. Lycopodium clavatum: Lycopodium homeopathic medicine for gallbladder stone is indicated for cases of gallstones with significant bloating associated with excessive burping. The right side abdominal pain is more between 4- 8 PM. They have strong cravings for sweets and sugary foods. There is the sensation of burning in the chest and throat.  There is a strong aversion to wearing tight clothes, especially around the waist due to abdominal discomfort. There is reduced appetite and feel full quickly after starting a meal.
  5. Nux-vomica: Nux vomica is indicated in individuals who develop gallstones after overeating or consuming rich, fatty foods and alcohol. They do suffer from frequent nausea dry retching and urge to vomit without relief. The gallstone pains are spasmodic, cramping, or colicky. It is suited to individuals who are highly irritable and impatient and get angry easily, especially during periods of suffering. It is useful for complaints of constipation with the ineffectual urge to pass stool.  They have strong cravings for coffee, alcohol, or spicy foods despite these aggravating their symptoms. There is a feeling of tightness and constriction around the abdomen.


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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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