Varicose Veins Homeopathic Treatment and Its Medicine Details

Dr. Rajesh Shah, MDVaricose veins is a common condition observed in practice whereby patients present with dilated, tortuous, and elongated veins, especially on the legs. However, any vein in the body that gets twisted, stretched out, or loses elasticity, could be labeled as varicose.

The veins have a certain valve-like mechanism that allows the blood to move upwards toward the heart. The valves have leaflets. When the leaflets lose their elasticity, the valves lose their capacity to push blood upwards; hence there is a back pressure which leads to further elongation of the veins. The veins also have reduced elasticity. As a result, the veins get ‘tortuous’ or twisted; as well as hardened. The veins, thus, become visible as zigzag vascular tubes, especially on legs.

Varicose veins affect especially the depending parts of the body that is lower limbs, which gets even worse when one tends to stand longer. People in the business of standing for long, such as salespeople, policemen, plastic surgeons (tend to stand for hours during surgery), etc. are at risk of developing varicose veins. (Click for more photos.)

Causes of Varicose veins:

a Occupational: Standing long hours

b Genetic tendency

c Deep vein thrombosis: A condition that affects the valves of veins

d It might get triggered during pregnancy and due to obesity

Symptoms of Varicose veins:

a Painfulness of legs

b Visible tortuous veins on the legs (of affected parts) (See photo.)

c Swelling of legs and ankle

d Restless leg syndrome (due to pain.)

e Bleeding due to a minor injury

Complications of Varicose veins:

a Ulcer formation

b Bleeding

c If eczema on the affected parts, there may be infection leading to wounds which may take time to heal

d Thrombophlebitis: Due to clot formation in the veins, due to sluggish circulation

Treatment of Varicose veins:

a Non-medical treatment:

Postural correction and changes form an important part of treatment for varicose veins, as under:

a Always keep your legs elevated on a pillow during sleep (in case of varicosity of leg veins)

b Avoid long-standing, form a habit of sitting down

c Ware suitable stockings

b Surgical treatment:

Surgery may be indicated if varicosity is very severer.

c Homeopathic treatment:

Varicose veins symptoms & treatment

Homeopathy works very well for mild to moderate cases of varicose veins. It helps to reduce pain, control further varicosity, reduce swelling. Homeopathy also helps significantly in cases that have varicose ulcers. Homeopathic treatment is strongly recommended for all cases of varicose veins except for those which are truly surgical in nature.

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Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Varicose Veins Case Studies

A 48-years-old male sales officer, Mr. M.P. (PIN 28013) visited Life Force Homeopathy Vashi clinic on 20th Feb 2016 with the complaint of the varicose veins on both the legs. He used to suffer from cramps in the right leg at night in the winters and rainy season. He used to experience cramps whil.....Read more

Retired 70 years old man residing in Mumbai (Patient identification number: 15767) was suffering from recurrent Varicose Ulcers since three years. He visited Life Force on April 2011 to start treatment under guidance of Dr Rajesh Shah MD.

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