Premenstrual Syndrome and Its Homeopathic Treatment

What is premenstrual syndrome?

Premenstrual syndrome is the group of symptoms experienced by menstruating women, 7-10 days prior to the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Symptoms may disappear after 2-3 days of starting menses. It is commonly seen in majority of the menstruating females up to the age of 40 years approximately.

Causes of developing premenstrual syndrome:

The exact cause of the development of the premenstrual syndrome is not very well known. But, it is found that hormonal changes in the body of the women, psychological health of the women, and insufficient amount of serotonin secreted in the brain and history of woman having depression play a very important role in the development of PMS. Eating habits of a woman also play a very influential role on PMS. Eating excessive amount of salty fried and junk food is associated with increased chances of formation of PMS.

Symptoms of PMS:

Premenstrual syndrome in women Most common symptoms of PMS are fluctuations in mood, irritability, frequent crying spells, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, forgetfulness and lack of concentration. At physical level patient may complain of tenderness of breasts, swelling of face, formation of eye bags (swelling around the eyes because of water retention in the body), swelling over feet, disturbed digestion, formation of acne, increased oiliness of skin and hairs, pain in joints and muscles and fatigue. Sometimes, when patient of PMS suffers from extreme anger, irritability, mood swings and crying spells which make the life of patients and their relatives really very difficult is called as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.

Treatment of PMS:

Life style changes usually, make a significant impact on the treatment of PMS.
Patients of PMS are advised to follow below given tips.

  • Do regular exercises
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid drinking aerated drinks, tea and coffee. Excessive caffeine intake is known to increase restlessness and irritability in a person.
  • Avoid eating salty, fried food. As excessive salt intake further aggravates the water retention in the body.
  • Reduce alcohol consumption.
  • Increase the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and diet containing more of Vitamin B6 like sprouts, yogurts, buttermilk etc.
  • Regularly try to do meditation for some time. Meditation has calming effect on mind and psychological level.

Role of homeopathic medicines for the treatment of PMS:

Above given tips are usually enough for controlling the severity of PMS. But, sometimes patients require to be treated with medicines.

Homeopathy offers a good scope in the treatment of PMS. Before prescribing a suitable homeopathic medicine, patient's mental symptoms are well analyzed in detail and then the medicines are given. Homeopathic medicines like Pulsatilla Nigricans, Calcarea Carbonica, Sepia, Lachesis etc. are known to work very well for such patients.

Hence, it can be said that combination of above recommended lifestyle changes and suitable homeopathic medicines given by an experienced and qualified homeopath can certainly benefit the patients suffering from Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS.

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