Homeopathic Treatment for Haily Haily Disease

The Hailey-Hailey disease is also known as familial benign chronic pemphigus. It is a rare inherited skin condition, in which red, scaly areas or small blisters appear at sites of friction. The condition tends to get worse with sweating and friction and in hot weather.


The condition is inherited; there is a 1 in 2 [50:50] chance that each child of an affected parent will inherit the skin problem.

Homeopathic Treatment for Haily Disease on Vagina


Hailey Hailey Disease is a nuisance rather than a serious problem, even though the affected skin is itchy and uncomfortable, and the patches come and go. The affected skin may be uncomfortable if the skin surfaces are continually rubbing e.g. in the groins when walking. Very rarely a severe flare-up in the groins, genital area or in the crease of the buttocks may make walking and work very uncomfortable.

The first signs of the condition usually appear between the ages of 15 and 40 years, but it may also begin outside this age range. The severity varies enormously and is unpredictable. Red, scaly areas or small blisters appear at areas of friction, especially at the sides of the neck or in the skin folds under the arms, at the tops of the legs [groins] or under the breasts. The skin looks entirely normal in between active episodes and does not scar. Many patients notice that their condition improves as they get older.

It is very common for the condition to be mistaken for eczema (or dermatitis), a sweat rash, ringworm or impetigo (a bacterial skin infection). The diagnosis of the Hailey-Hailey disease can be made by examining a sample of the skin (a biopsy) under the microscope.

Treatment for Hailey Disease

The underlying genetic defect cannot be altered. However, treatment does help and long remissions are common.

Scope of Homeopathy:

Homeopathy has good scope in the treatment of this condition. This condition many a time becomes resistant to the conventional treatment of local steroids and physicians often resort to oral steroids to control the flare-ups; this can very well be avoided by opting for homeopathy. We have treated and documented about 17 cases (by Dec 2017) and have observed significant recovery in many of them. 

Homeopathy helps to reduce the intensity and frequency of the flare-up and helps to lead a comfortable life. The medicines help symptomatically to reduce the itching, redness, and inflammation. It reduces the dependency on steroids and helps in the overall long-term management of the condition, in a natural way using safe and effective medicines.

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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Hailey Hailey Disease Case Studies

In 1991, for the first time, Mrs. M.S. (PIN: 24507) aged 56 years noticed a small outbreak of a rash on her neck which lasted for years. And, in 1993 post-delivery of her second baby, she started experiencing blisters and rashes occurring on and off on her neck. Between 1999-2000, she had some fa.....Read more

A 40-years-old gentleman, Mr. J. R.A. (PIN 14939) reported to the clinic for the treatment of Hailey Hailey disease. When examined, there was severe redness and burning sensation present in the groins from the last nine years. The burning sensation was relieved to some extent on the application o.....Read more

Mr. V.K., a twenty eight-year-old resident of Navi Mumbai (Patient Identification Number: 23137) sought treatment at Life Force on 14th July 2014. Mr. V.K. had been diagnosed with Hailey Hailey disease eight years ago. Hailey Hailey disease is a rare hereditary disease in which there is blister a.....Read more

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