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Case Studies

A calm, melancholic 47 years old housewife found significant relief of Acid Peptic Disorder and Lumbar Spondylosis within 5 months of Dr. Shah’s treatment.

Mrs. T. K. B (Patient Identification Number - 16121) visited our clinic on 27th May 2011. She complained of continuous sour e.....Read more

This is the case of Mr. A. M. J, 44 years old male (pin 13470) who came to our clinic complaining of atopic eczema since past 3-4 years.

He had red inflamed lesions on both lower limbs and also on the groins.

There was intense itching.....Read more

Mr. R.P. (PIN: 27901) visited Chembur branch on 7th February 2016 with the complaint of urticaria which he was suffering from the last 10 years. He would get itching and redness on the whole body, particularly on his neck, but there were no hives or angioedema. The frequency of his urticaria used.....Read more

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Can Severe, Infections like Malaria, Typhoid be Treated with Homeopathy?

Do homeopathic medicine contain cortisone or steroids?

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