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Case Studies

A 5-years-old child, Ms. A.M (patient identification number: 21784) from Noida, Uttar Pradesh visited Life Force on 14th October 2013 with her parents to get treated for her complaints of nephrotic syndrome. She got detected with nephrotic syndrome two months back when her parents cons.....Read more

A 58 years old, lean, emaciated person (Mr. B.M. PIN Number L-10432) came to Life force clinic. He had a very depressed and tired look.

He presented with several discrete, horny, maculo-popular and nodular lesions, 4-5 to 10 mm in diameter, predominantly on both hands, knuckles, elbows,.....Read more

Mr. T. Y. Y (Patient Identification Number 16459) from Singapore contacted Life Force on 2nd June 2009 for the complaint of hair loss. He opted for online treatment and filled all his details in the questionnaire. He was suffering from hair fall for more than four years. He was loosing more than.....Read more
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Anxiety Neurosis

Treatment of Hypertension in Homeopathy explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Anxiety Neurosis

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