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Case Studies

A young, smart businesswoman Mrs. P. N. (Patient Identification Number - 18120) visited our Borivali centre on 31st January, 2012. She had been suffering from Verruca Plana since 15 years. She had first noticed it at the age of 13 years. But it was diagnosed 4 years back by a skin specialist. It had.....Read more

A 34-years-old male, Mr. V.U.B. (PIN: 30328) visited Life Force on 16th November 2016 with a complaint of urticaria. 

The patient was suffering from urticaria for two years. The frequency of his episode was once in three days. 

At the time of consultation, his legs, .....Read more

A 39-years-old female patient, Ms. M.L. (Patient Ref. No.-30758) consulted at the Life Force clinic on 27th December 2016 with the complaint of migraine. The patient was suffering from this complaint since 3 years. She suffered from pain in the middle of her head and sometimes left side or right .....Read more

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Results may vary from person to person

Urticaria and drug addiction with anti-histamines, warned by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Homeopaths must have scientific mindset, suggests Dr Rajesh Shah,MD

Anxiety Neurosis

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