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Case Studies

Mr. S.N.G. 55-year-old male patient (Patient identification number 9326) resident of Mumbai was suffering from Hailey Hailey disease since 1993. He visited Life Force on 30 Jan 2007 and started homeopathic treatment under guidance of Dr Rajesh Shah. 

He was suffering from blisters in t.....Read more
A patient, Mrs S.B.(L-11208) aged 52 , consulted Dr Rajesh Shah for her complaints of non healing ulcers. She was suffering from a rare disorder called "Lipodermatosclerosis." She was suffering from this illness since the last 20 years. She had non healing ulcers on both lower legs, the lesions .....Read more

A cute little boy of three years named Master A. M. (Patient Identification Number - 25449) visited Life Force (Chembur branch) in April 2015 with complaints of Nephrotic Syndrome. He had four episodes of Nephrotic Syndrome in one year. The albumin in urine showed +3 despite being on corticostero.....Read more

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Lichen Planus

Role of Homeopathy in Recurrent Tonsillitis Treatment in Children

Ankylosing Spondylitis

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