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Case Studies

This is the case of a 4-years-old female kid i.e. Baby C.G (PIN L-4110), who had been under our care since infancy for the complaints of recurrent colds and delayed milestones. One day, she was brought to the clinic for complaints of staggering gait and slurred speech which she was suffering from.....Read more

A 35 -years-old lady, Mrs. M.N.M. (Patient Ref No: 19888) presented her complaints of skin allergy due to sunlight that she was suffering since ten years. The patient was a resident of Rajasthan so was unable to visit our centre. She sent us all the details about her disease on 24th Se.....Read more

A 22-year-old male from Mumbai, Mr. S.R. (PIN: 37800) visited Kemp’s corner clinic and started homeopathic treatment in August 2018 for his complaint of Lichen Planus. 

He was suffering from the skin condition from 1 year. He had spots on his hands, legs, and abdomen. Multipl.....Read more

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Myths and Facts about homeopathy part 2

Myths and Facts about homeopathy part 3

Do homeopathic medicine contain cortisone or steroids?

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