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Case Studies

55 years old male,  Mr.  A. T. (Patient Identification Number: 23830), reported to Life Force for the complaints of Erectile dysfunction since twenty five years. The problem was increasing since ten years. He did not have any desire for sex and he had no erections to perform sexual act......Read more

A 35-year-old lady, Mrs. A.L. (PIN: 20269) started developing itchy, purple, flat-topped papules (bumps) approximately 1/2 cm in a linear distribution along her upper right arm. Gradually, it started to spread down to the elbow and right hand towards her palm. She experienced mild itching in a fe.....Read more

A 47-year-old doctor from Aurangabad, Dr. D. P. (PIN: 41022) started online treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for his complaint of Urticaria on 29rd August 2019.   
He was suffering from it for 2 years. The skin rashes used to appear on his body 2 to 3 times a day. Once it sta.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy in Frequent Colds Explained by Dr. Shah

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