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Case Studies

Seventy five years old male Professor R.V.I. [PIN 3893] was an old patient of Life Force. He visited the center for a new complaint. He was suffering from a non healing ulcer from the last four months. He met with an accident and developed an injury on the left thigh. The wound did not heal prope.....Read more

Mr. P M (pin L-11566) was referred by an existing patient with complaints of insomnia. He was suffering from insomnia since 3 years. He was able to sleep only for 3 hours at night. Once awake, he was unable to sleep. In the morning it would be an unrefreshing sleep. He would feel drowsy and sleep.....Read more

Thirty-three years old female Ms. K.D.N. (Patient Identification Number: 20274) from Mumbai visited Life Force clinic on 19th November 2013 for her complaints of Lichen Planus.

She was suffering from Lichen Planus since 1 month. There were reddish eruptions all over the body, on hands, .....Read more

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Do homeopathic medicine contain cortisone or steroids?

How to find a good homeopath for you, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, Life Force

Food and Diet Tips for Vitiligo Patients by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD Homeopathy

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