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Case Studies

49-years-old Mr. V. B. S., who was working in the Merchant Navy (PIN 19337) visited our clinic on 26th June 2012. From the past two years, he was suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. He was suffering from a severe pain in the lower back and right knee. There was no stiffness or swelling present. .....Read more

A 27-years-old female from Mumbai, Ms. A. C. (PIN: 35164) approached Life Force on 8th January 2018 for treating her Tinea Corporis. She was suffering from the complaints of this fungal infection, which was affecting her in the form of pruritic skin with reddish circular elevated patches, from th.....Read more

A 6-year-old girl child, Ms. A.S.H. visited Sassoon Branch of Life Force Homeopathy with the complaints of Urticaria on 1st February 2018.

She was suffering from Hives (i.e. Weals - large red eruptions) all over the body with Redness, Intense Itching, and Swelling. The patien.....Read more

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Treatment for Tumors like Neurofibromatosis, Lipomas & Skin Tags, Can Homeopathy Treat?

Role of Homeopathy for Asthma in Children Explained by Dr. Shah

Role of Homeopathy in Recurrent Tonsillitis Treatment in Children

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