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Miss G. K. (Patient Identification Number 15035) visited our clinic on 29th October 2010 for the treatment of Warts. She was suffering with this Warts since three years. She had multiple Warts on her hands, right forearm, lower lip, above right eyelid and on the left sole. She opted for cauteriza.....Read more

Mrs. A.V. 54 year old gentleman (Patient Referance Number 13577) visited Life Force with complaints of enlarged prostate. He suffered from severe burning pain during and after urination. There was increased frequency of urine, during acute attacks he would have to visit the toilet every five minu.....Read more

What is Lichen Planus - 

Lichen Planus is the Chronic Autoimmune Non-contagious disease of the skin and mucous membrane which causes inflammation of the skin cells leading to flat purplish skin lesion which is itchy and can cause bleeding after scratching which is caused due to imm.....Read more

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Dr Rajesh Shah, MD explains why are some people against homeopathy?

Previous use of cortisone affecting your treatment, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

What to Apply on Skin for Psoriasis, Eczema & Lichen Planus

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