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Case Studies

Mr. P M (pin L-11566) was referred by an existing patient with complaints of insomnia. He was suffering from insomnia since 3 years. He was able to sleep only for 3 hours at night. Once awake, he was unable to sleep. In the morning it would be an unrefreshing sleep. He would feel drowsy and sleep.....Read more

Mr. P. C. (Patient ref. no. L-8342), a 49 yrs old male patient, reported to the clinic with the complaint of Cervical Spondylitis. He had been suffering from pulling type of pain in the nape of the neck, since 1 ½ years. The pain radiated to the shoulder and left side of the chest. The pai.....Read more

A 15-years-old female from Mumbai, Ms. K.P.S. (PIN: 38498) approached Life Force on 14th November 2018 for treating her Tinea Cruris. She was suffering from complaints of this fungal infection for the last 1.5 to 2 months. She had developed pruritic skin with reddish, circular elevated.....Read more

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Lichen planus and cortisone, some thoughts by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD(Hom)

Lichen Planus and its homeopathic treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Listen to Dr. Rajesh Shah’s insightful thoughts on vitiligo, a serious skin condition.

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