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Case Studies

A 58 years old, lean, emaciated person (Mr. B.M. PIN Number L-10432) came to Life force clinic. He had a very depressed and tired look.

He presented with several discrete, horny, maculo-popular and nodular lesions, 4-5 to 10 mm in diameter, predominantly on both hands, knuckles, elbows,.....Read more

Miss G. K (Patient Identification Number 15035) visited our clinic on 29th October 2010 for the treatment of Warts. She was suffering with this complaint since three years. She had multiple Warts on hands, right forearm, lower lip, above right eye and left sole. She went for cauterization twice but .....Read more

A 32-year-old male patient, Mr. M. M. K. (PIN: 41042) was suffering from urticaria and acidity for 1 year. He came to Life Force on 29th August 2019. He was suffering from its episodes 7-8 times a .....Read more

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Why should one opt for homeopathy?

Don’t let anxiety control your life! Coping with anxiety can be very difficult on your own

Myths and Facts about homeopathy

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