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Case Studies

30 year old lady, Mrs. I. C. (Patient Ref. No. 6226), was a known case of Hepatitis C since 2 years. She had not been on any kind of treatment for this. She did not have any major symptoms as such but complained of weakness and tiredness. She had given birth to a baby boy about one year before sh.....Read more

A 36-year-old lady, Mrs. P.P.L. (PIN: 38009) visited Life Force on 20th September 2018 and presented with 2 small bald patches on her temporal and vertex area. The doctor explained to her about alopecia areata. She said that she did not have time for case taking and will visit o.....Read more

A young girl Miss CSV, aged 14 years reported to the center for the treatment of extensive and chronic Atopic Dermatitis.
She was suffering from severe atopic dermatitis since the age on 6 months. She had required several steroid creams and tablets in her childhood.

Later on the .....Read more

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Explaining Hair loss, Alopecia Areata and Male Pattern Baldness treatment, by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

What is Role of Homeopathy in Cancer Treatment?

Lichen planus and cortisone, some thoughts by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD(Hom)

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