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Dr. Rajesh Shah Research Work

Case Studies

A 36-years-old married male, Mr. B. H.V. (PIN: 34165) consulted at Life Force for his Psoriasis complaint on 1st November 2017. He was suffering from Psoriasis for 15 years. His whole body was affected by it. He had been taking Ayurvedic treatment for 11 years. Due to this, his condition was unde.....Read more

A 28-year-old female patient, Ms. R.U. (PIN: 38994) visited Life Force and started homeopathic treatment in January 2019 for her complaint of Lichen Planus. 

She was suffering from this skin condition for the last 6 months. She first experienced the lesions of lichen planus .....Read more

Mr. A.N., a 28 years old general manager in a private company, resident of Mumbai, India, reported at Life Force in June 2011. Presenting complaints were stress headache since 3 months. Promotion to the post of general manager, added extra professional stress in his routine and that triggered the co.....Read more
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Role of Homeopathy in Underactive Thyroid Treatment Explained by Dr Shah

Is it safe to combine allopathic medicines and homeopathic medicines?

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