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Case Studies

A middle-aged woman, aged sixty-four years, Mrs. PMM (Patient Identification Number: 22481 ), visited Life Force, Chembur branch on 21st March 2014

She was suffering from Chronic Lichenified Eczema for two years. Scalp, Eyes, chin, elbows, legs were covered with Eczema. She had an intol.....Read more

A 27-years-old male, Mr. D.C. (PIN: 35507) visited our Pune’s Life Force center on 31st January 2018 with the complaint of chalazion. The patient was suffering from chalazion for 4 months. He had a hard nodule over his right lower eyelid. It was painless. There was no lacrimation and rednes.....Read more

When Mast. J.P. was 3 years old, his parents noticed his face and legs turning swollen without a specific reason, and, so, they went to the doctor and found out that he was suffering from Nephrotic syndrome. Mast. J.P. (LFMP-PIN: 24675) is 17 years old now and, since the age of 3 years, he was ta.....Read more

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Lichen planus and cortisone, some thoughts by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD(Hom)

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Can Cancer be treated by homeopathy, without radiation, chemotherapy and surgery?

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