I RVI, from India, was suffering from Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis. Since last 20 years I was suffering from psoriasis, I had reddish patches all over the body. They were extensive and caused severe itching and scaling of the skin. I would always feel chilliness in my body and there was this constant feverish feeling. Despite a lot of Allopathic medicines like steroids, methotrexate and cyclosporine, there was only temporary relief. In fact I started developing severe swelling and stiffness in my joints involving the hands and was informed by my Dr that I was developing Psoriatic Arthritis, which is one of the complications of Psoriasis. Mentally I was shattered and frustrated as these strong Allopathic medicines failed to give me any significant relief. I was losing hope of ever having a healthy skin and a normal life. Within 5 months of starting Dr Shah`s treatment, the psoriasis was still the same how ever there was significant relief in my joint pains, swelling was much better. With pain reducing I calmed down a bit however I was still worried as I was still getting the skin rashes. Within 7 months of treatment, I started seeing lot of improvement in my psoriasis, the itching was much less; the scaling of skin reduced and there were no new spots of Psoriasis. There was further improvement in my joint pains. The pain and swelling reduced by I can say almost 90 %. I am very thankful to Dr Shah for helping me have a healthy skin and regaining back my hope.
R. V. I., India