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Case Studies

A 39-years-old lady, Mrs. N.S. (PIN: 31190) visited Life Force on 4th Feb 2017 for her ailments of breast cancer post-surgery.

The patient was asymptomatic when she visited Life Force. Her complaints had started with mild pain in the left breast in January 2016. Rest everything was asym.....Read more

Mrs. U.J aged 46 years, [PIN 11729] reported to the center for the complaints of joints pain and allergic rhinitis. She was suffering from pain and stiffness in her knee, elbow and shoulder joints. The pain was more since the past six months. She had severe pain in the early morning. She was on.....Read more

Mr. D. S. was a trader of machinery parts near New Delhi. His daughter was being treated by Dr. Shah for a skin ailment and recovering gradually. Mr. D. S. himself had few chronic episodes of cough which were not recovering with conventional medicines. He decided to try homeopathy and visited Lif.....Read more

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Can onion, coffee, garlic, mint be taken if you are on homeopathic treatment?

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Don’t let anxiety control your life! Coping with anxiety can be very difficult on your own

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