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Case Studies

A 43-years-old male, Mr. N.K.D. (PIN 21158) consulted at Life Force for his lichen planus complaints on 29th May 2013. He had developed hyperpigmented & scattered spots on his arms, abdomen, legs, genital, and mouth for five years. He was suffering from itching and burning in his spots. His d.....Read more

Sixty-eight years old Mrs. J. M. (Patient Identification Number- 21858) was already taking treatment for multiple complaints such as asthma, hair fall, lumbar spondylosis, sleeplessness and headache.
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A 19-years-old young male, Mr. R.M.V. (PIN: 21503) consulted for his Lichen Planus on the 16th of August 2013. He had developed hyperpigmented, scattered, & irregular spots on his ankles, legs, hands, & elbows 15 months back. After taking steroids (Oral & injectable), his eruptions ha.....Read more

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Homeopaths must have scientific mindset, suggests Dr Rajesh Shah,MD

Previous use of cortisone affecting your treatment, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Psoriatic Arthritis

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