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Case Studies

Mr P.J.P., twenty eight years old male (Patient Identification Number 17009) visited Life Force center on 17th September 2011 for the treatment of Psoriasis.

He had extensive scalp psoriasis along with sporadic lesions all over the body since 2 years. He had taken conventional medicines.....Read more

69 year old male patient, Mr. C. R. (Patient ref. no.: 5796) reported to us after being diagnosed with Hepatitis C since 3 months. His condition was diagnosed on routine investigations as a part of executive health check-up. There was no particular causative factor detected in his case except for.....Read more

On a Monday morning, a lady was brought to Life Force Center by her husband and son. She was finding it difficult to walk. One of our doctors assisted them to a cabin, and they were made to sit. We came to know she was a 45-years-old homemaker, who had met with an accident a year ago whereby she .....Read more

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A book on Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah who has treated 6000+ cases of vitiligo

Role of Homeopathy in Diabetes (Type 1 and 2) explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Causes of Vitiligo & Theories Responsible for Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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