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Case Studies

A 50-year-old male, Mr. S.M. (PIN: 19531) started treatment online from Life Force for his complaint of Vitiligo on 27th July 2012.
He was suffering from it for the past few years. He had developed hypopigmented spots on his palm and genitals. The disease was spreading gradually. He had a .....Read more

A 2.5-year-old boy, S.M.M. (PIN 18097) visited Life Force Homeopathy with his parents on 28th January 2012.

He presented with vitiligo spots on his chin and on the right side of the forehead. He was suffering from vitiligo for 5 months which was gradually increasing. Besides it, he.....Read more

Miss. N. V. M. 9 years old girl visited our clinic on 29th February 2012 with her parents. Her patient identification number is 18411. She was complaining of chest and head pain since 1 week. The headache was left sided and not continuous. She was having cold and cough. There was no nose block or.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy for Asthma in Children Explained by Dr. Shah

Anxiety Neurosis

Anxiety Neurosis

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