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Case Studies

Mrs B. S , a 46 years old female patient (Patient Identification number - 8656) , visited our clinic on 8th of july, 2006 with the complaints of Lichen Planus.....Read more

A 51-years-old man, Mr. A B (PIN 23336) visited Life Force Homeopathy Chembur clinic in August 2014 with complaints of Lichen Planus, which involved his palms, soles, hands, and the inner side of his mouth including the tongue. His skin condition was so extensive that even nails and genitals were.....Read more

A 26-years-old male, Mr. A.S.B. (PIN 32675) visited Vashi branch of Life Force on 5th July 2017 and gave his detailed case history. From the past two years, he was suffering from psoriasis and had a relapse since September 2016.

He was suffering from the redness and dryness of the scalp.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy in Diabetes (Type 1 and 2) explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Dr Rajesh Shah explaining role of homeopathy for Eczema treatment

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD: Street shows against homeopathy, what do they mean?

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