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Case Studies

Mrs. K.V.M., 43 years old beautician visited Life Force on 4th November 2011. She was accompanied by her husband. Her Patient Identification Number is 17403. She was suffering from Herpes Simplex since 4 – 5 years. Her complaints had increased and had been constant since the last 5 months. .....Read more

A 65-year-old male patient from Shimla, Mr. P.P. (PIN: 42476) started online homeopathic treatment in January 2020 for his complaint of oral lichen planus.  
He was suffering from it for the last 3-4 months. The redness and hyperpigmented spots were present on his tongue and the inner.....Read more


Mr. S.R. (PIN: 38345) consulted Life Force homeopathy on 23rd October 2018 over the call from Vadodara, Gujarat. The patient presented with complaints of Vitiligo which were affecting him from 1 year. His affected areas included both sides of his neck and right leg. Hi.....Read more

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Causes of Vitiligo & Theories Responsible for Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Chronic Urticaria Treatment with Homeopathy Explains Dr Shah

Role of Homeopathy in Underactive Thyroid Treatment Explained by Dr Shah
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