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Case Studies

A 37-years-old male patient, Mr. A.K.H (PIN 12739) reported to the clinic with the complaints of nodular eruptions all over the body and they were more intense on forehead and scalp. He suffered from severe itching+++ with watery discharge from the eruptions on his scalp and forehead. His eruptio.....Read more

A 55-years-old homemaker, Mrs. N. Z. A. (PIN 14714) visited Life Force on 18th August 2010. She was accompanied by her husband. She was detected as Hepatitis B positive during a routine blood check-up. She had weakness along with a feverish feeling for a few months. She would also get aphthous ul.....Read more

A 29-year-old male patient from a small town in Orissa, Mr. K R. (PIN: 41614) registered himself for the Online Homeopathic Treatment at Life Force on 30th October 2019 for his complaints of Chronic Insomnia, which is also known as Sleeplessness. As described by the patient, he was suff.....Read more

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Can homeopathic and conventional (allopathic) medicines be taken together? Explains Dr Rajesh Shah

Child Asthma

Regulatory policy for New Homeopathy Drug Discovery required - Dr Rajesh Shah’s talk at Jeevaniya Cinference on 17th April 2022.

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