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Case Studies

Master. S. M (Patient Ref. No. L-6917) a 14 years old boy was brought to the clinic by his parents for complaints of recurrent tonsillitis since childhood. Every 2-3 months he would develop tonsillitis and would require frequent courses of antibiotics. His complaints had become more frequent sinc.....Read more

Mrs. P. S aged 56 years (Patient Identification Number 9954) visited Life Force on 6th September 2007 for the treatment of Migraine. She was suffering from Migraine since 4 years. She would get acute attack of Migraine associated with giddiness once in every fifteen days, which would be very sev.....Read more

Mr. S. R.D (Patient Identification Number 15399) from Jalgaon visited Life Force on 27th January 2011 for the complaint of chronic Psoriasis. He was suffering from Psoriasis for more than 30 years. He had severe and active lesions on his legs, hands and face. He would get severe flare up of Psori.....Read more

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Why do people favor homeopathy? Dr Rajesh Shah, MD throws light on it

Do homeopathic medicine contain cortisone or steroids?

A book on Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah who has treated 6000+ cases of vitiligo

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