Dr Rajesh Shah

Homeopathic Treatment for Chyluria


Chyluria is a morbid condition in which the urine contains chyle or fatty matter, giving it a milky appearance.

Difference between normal urine and urine containing chyle:


Filariasis: This is the most frequent cause of chyluria. Filariasis is endemic in some areas, mainly in the Asian continent. Repeated filarial attacks lead to obstruction of lymph flow. This leads to dilatation of the lymphatics and later they rupture into the urinary system leading to milky urine.
Non-parasitical causes of chyluria: Tumors, abscesses, trauma, tuberculosis, congenital, etc.

Chyluria comparisonhomeopathic treatment for chyluria

Chyluria Symptoms:

The milky appearance of the urine is a striking chyluria symptom. Prolonged chyluria results in loss of weight and subcutaneous fat, hypoproteinemia, lymphopenia, and anemia.


Lymphography (imaging procedure) demonstrates the site, the caliber, and the number of fistulous communications.

Suggestion about homeopathic chyluria treatment:

Homeopathy can have a definite role to play in chyluria treatment, due to the parasitic origin, trauma, abscesses, tuberculosis, etc. In these cases, Homeopathy can help to reduce the swelling of the lymphedematous limb as well as control its progress. Homeopathy can also help in preventing superadded infection of the lymphedematous limb.

Is chyluria dangerous?

Congenital cases in which structural abnormalities of the lymphatics are evident may not be helped much with medical treatment. Chyluria due to tumors may also have to be treated surgically and Homeopathy may have only a supportive role to play in such cases. A fair trial with homeopathy is suggested for all cases especially those that have not responded well to conventional treatment.

Tips for supportive management of Chyluria:

  • Dietary modification: A diet excluding fat, supplemented by medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) and high protein content.
  • Management of swollen lymphedematous limb:
    • Bed rest and high amount of fluid intake.
    • Elevation of the affected limb
    • Application of an elastic bandage

Given below is a photo of a urine sample of a patient suffering from chyluria, who reported at Life Force.

chyluria homeopathic treatment

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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Chyluria Case Studies

A 71-year-old female patient (PIN: 40419) came to Life Force clinic in June with the complaint of the passing of milky white urine, thick curd-like discharge once or twice every week from 5 years. She also complained of weight loss and severe weakness with muscle wasting since the last 4 yrs.

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Sixty-one years old Mr. S. R. K. (Patient Identification Number 21938) visited our clinic on 20th April 2013. He was suffering from Chyluria since 2004. He got episodes of Chyluria once every 2 years, which lasted for 3 weeks. He had whitish clots in urine. He complained of severe burning se.....Read more

Pune based 32 years old gentleman Mr. J. K. (Patient Reference Number 12549) visited Life Force on 21st August 2009. Since 2-3 months he was passing thick milky white urine with mild pain in abdomen. He also had 3 kgs weight loss in 2 months. After visiting his physician it was diagnosed as Chylu.....Read more

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