I am writing to report my progress on Anxiety Neurosis, after taking the course of treatment. I started noticing changes: First is the decrease in the endometrial pain after just a couple of weeks. Now my Pain has decreased about sixty percent, which is amazing because I'm not in Pain every single minute. I started a new job right before I received my medicine for Anxiety Neurosis, and I remember being nervous and anxious, and now I realized how calmer, and relaxed I feel even though I work in a very busy stressful, high acuity unit at a very well-known hospital. I am free of Anxiety Neurosis, I am sometimes amazed how calm and relaxed I am under typical stressful moments. Thirdly, I have no problem sleeping, I do work nights at the Hospital, and on nights that I'm not working I have no problem sleeping. I'm restful when I wake up. And thank you for giving me pain-free days and treating me off this Anxiety Neurosis.
Georgia Bailey, Whitehall, AR, USA