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Case Studies

28 years old Mr. S. S. J. (Patient Identification Number - 21252) visited Life Force on 20th June 2013 for his post laser burns on face, cheeks and forehead. He had taken these laser shots from a skin specialist for treating his acne scars. He had so far received two shots, one in March and the seco.....Read more

37 years old, Mrs. A. S. R. visited our center with her husband on 5th April 2011. Her Patient Identification Number is 15742. She was complaining of Crohn’s disease since past 4 years. The case details were given by her husband. She was having symptoms of recurrent loose stools which were .....Read more

68 year old female Mrs. N. M. (Patient reference number S2665), reported to the clinic for complaints of sleeplessness since last 2 years. She would frequently wake up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason and would have difficulty in falling back to sleep again. Her sleep would not b.....Read more

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Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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