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Case Studies

A forty-three-year-old male Mr. S.S. (Patient Identification No: 5801), residing in Raichur, Karnataka; availed our online treatment for Lichen Planus on 28th May 2003.

He was introduced to Life Force by his treating dentist Dr. S.H. His case details were obtained through an email. He h.....Read more

Thirty-eight year old, Mr. C. H. K.(Patient Identification Number: 23210) visited LifeForce on 26th July 2014 for his complaints of backache and anxiety disorder. His complaints started in 1999 with pain in lower back. He would experience lower back pain continuous throughout the day on regular .....Read more

An elderly male aged 66 years Mr.V. B. (PIN 10370) reported to our clinic bleeding piles since 15 years. He use to pass frank blood everyday after stools. He also complained of
soreness and irritation after passing stools. The stools were satisfactory with no history of constipation. He wo.....Read more

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Tips to lead healthy life by Dr Rajesh Shah

Symptoms of Lichen Planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD


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