My father was diagnosed as having Hepatitis C genotype 1B virus in May 2007. The viral load was 3,08,000 IU/ml, the SGOT was 174 U/L and SGPT was 156 U/L. We were on the verge of going in for Interferon treatment, but we decided to go in for homeopathy as we heard a lot of the side effects of Interferon. I must say that after having medicines for 4 months from Dr. Rajesh Shah, my father showed a dramatic improvement. When the tests were repeated in Oct’07, his viral load was done to 23,250 IU/ml, SGOT was 32 U/L and SGPT was 28 U/L. Thank you very much Dr Shah. We hope in the coming months the viral load will become negligible.
V. R. (Daughter of R V G), India