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Case Studies

Mrs. S. S. P., 38 years old home maker (Patient Identification Number - 18512) visited our Lifeforce center with husband on 6th March, 2012. She had suffering from Lichen Planus since 10 years.

She had been treated in the past with conventional medicines and ayurvedic medicines. She had.....Read more

A tall, lean, 49 years old Mr. V. K. P. (PIN NO - 14828) found cure for his severe complaints of Urticaria with homeopathic medicines. He had developed Urticaria since 6-8 months. He visited our centre on 13th September 2010.

He had been taking antihistaminic medicines, but was not sati.....Read more

J.S., six years old child of a leading surgeon in Mumbai was suggested tonsil removal by an ENT surgeon who was a family friend. The child was scared of surgery so as the mother. They decided to give a fair trial to homeopathy before finally going for surgery. The child has recurring episodes of.....Read more
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Why do people favor homeopathy? Dr Rajesh Shah, MD throws light on it

Psoriatic Arthritis

How to find a good homeopath for you, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, Life Force

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