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Case Studies

Master S. R. J., aged 4 years visited (Patient Identification Number - 17670) Life Force center on 6th December, 2011 with his parents. He would frequently suffer from cold since birth. There would be sneezing, running nose, cough, fever and ear ache once in 15 days and would last for around a we.....Read more

M.S.W, a female child of 10 years, patient identification number 18418, visited the clinic with her mother on 29 February 2012. She presented with psoriatic patches on knees, scalp, and hands.

Her psoriasis began 3 years back. She would have dry scaly patches on her knees, scalp, and ha.....Read more

Twenty seven years old female Ms. K.B (Patient Identification Number 17347) from US contacted Life Force on 12th February 2010 for the complaint of Hair Fall. She started loosing hair after her 2nd delivery which was 3 years back. She was continuously loosing hair since last 3 years. She would loose.....Read more
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How to find a good homeopath for you, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, Life Force

Role of Homeopathy in Recurrent Tonsillitis Treatment in Children

Role for Homeopathy for Anxiety Disorders Explained by Dr Rajesh Shah

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