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Case Studies

2-years-old Miss A.R (PIN 8294) presented with six hairless patches on the scalp and that were diagnosed as alopecia areata. Initially, this condition started when she was 3 months old, but her hair had regrown in a couple of weeks.

The texture of her hair was quite soft, fragile and it.....Read more

Mrs. K. C. S., age 62 years (Patient Identification Number - 16921) visited our LifeForce centre on 8th September, 2011. She was complaining of a single non healing varicose ulcer on her left foot since last 7 years. It would itch slightly with occasional watery discharge. It was mildly painful. .....Read more

Mrs. H.R aged 56 years (Patient Identification Number 18100) started with our online treatment on 14 August 2010 for the treatment of Lichen Planus. She was suffering from Lichen Planus since last one year. She was a resident of Durban, South Africa. She was born and brought up in South Africa; h.....Read more

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