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Case Studies

An 8-year-old boy, Mast. S.K.G. (PIN: 24999) visited Life Force on 28th February 2015 along with his parents for the treatment of his complaint of recurrent upper respiratory tract infections. He was experiencing the episodes of the upper respiratory tract infections quite frequently -.....Read more

Fifty one years old, businessman visited our Borivali center to enquire for the treatment of Psoriasis, on 22nd April 2013. He first made an enquiry with an associate doctor regarding his skin complaints and when satisfied, enrolled for the treatment. His case was taken in detail by the attending.....Read more

Mrs. S.J. from Thailand was experiencing symptoms of sudden shooting pain in her left ear that would radiate to the left jaw from February 2018. She began searching online to figure out what exactly is happening to her and came across Dr. Shah's website. She discussed her case with Dr. Shah&#.....Read more

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Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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