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Case Studies

A 13-years-old girl, Miss S.K.W. (PIN 19678) was suffering from Asthmatic Bronchitis from one year. She visited Life Force along with her parents on 16th August 2012 and started treatment under the guidance of Dr. Rajesh Shah.

The girl had complaints of a cough with pain in the chest. S.....Read more

22 years old young magician was searching for a good treatment for his gastric complaints on the internet, where he came across Dr. Shah’s website. He was staying in Mumbai, itself and hence decided to visit the clinic. He was accompanied by his elder brother who was suffering from Psoriasis and wis.....Read more

Mr. V. K. S., 50 years old businessman visited our clinic on 20th March 2012 from Calcutta. His Patient Identification Number is 18624. He complained of recurrent throbbing headache on both temporal regions since a few months. He would take pain killers daily. The pain would subside in 3 – .....Read more

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Why should one opt for homeopathy?

Urticaria and drug addiction with anti-histamines, warned by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Dr Shah's video on Asthma

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