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Case Studies

A young man Mr. S.S.K., aged 23 years, reported to Life Force for the treatment of Fibromyalgia.

He was suffering from back pain and generalized body ache and knee joints pain since 3 years. The knee pain would increase on walking for long duration, and after exertion. He had to sit dow.....Read more

21 year old female, Mrs. U. P. (Patient reference number 8259) reported to the clinic for complaint of alopecia on the scalp (vertex) since a month. It had rapidly increased to a size of about 2 inches x 2 inches within a span of 1 month. She was also losing about 100 hair daily. She was not on a.....Read more

A 4-years-old boy, Mast. P.P.B. (PIN: 30052) was brought to the clinic on 15th October 2016 for the treatment of the Nephrotic syndrome. He was suffering from Nephrotic syndrome for 10 months, and he had started the steroid treatment. At the time of consultation, he had developed swelling mainly .....Read more

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What is Role of Homeopathy in Cancer Treatment?

Treatment of Hypertension in Homeopathy explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Is homeopathic prescribing based only on the mind symptoms? Explains by Dr Rajesh Shah

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