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An architect, who was living her life happily, happen to suffer from oral and skin lichen planus, since a few months, when she consulted at Life Force in August 2018. Her patient identification number (PIN) was 37549. In the initial months of 2018, she developed some purplish circular lesions on .....Read more

Mr. N.K (Patient Identification Number 11245) was suffering from Hepatitis C of genotype 3 which was detected in January 2006.He had taken Ayurvedic treatment for 2 years with temporary relief. Then he came to know about effective approach of life force in treating Hepatitis C through internet.Read more

A 38-year-old lady (PIN: 41370) came to Life Force Homeopathy on 2nd October 2019 for taking treatment for Lichen Planus, from which she was suffering for 2 months. 
Her presenting symptoms were
?Eruptions (purple lesions) on the forearms (bilateral), hips, legs (bilateral), th.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy in Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Myths and Facts about homeopathy

Previous use of cortisone affecting your treatment, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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