An Old Man’s Liver Cirrhosis Was Treated Effectively At Life Force

    A 64-years-old man, Mr. N.L.P. (Pin no-28138) consulted for his complaints of liver cirrhosis on 3rd March 2016 at the Pune Paud branch of Life Force. His liver cirrhosis was diagnosed one month back. The patient visited our center with symptoms of ascites, swelling in legs, pitting oedema on the ankle, itching of the lower leg, sudden weight gain, nausea, and extreme weakness. His son reported that the patient’s irritability had increased for a few days. On investigation of liver cirrhosis, splenomegaly, ascites, and portal hypertension were detected in his reports. The patient has already started with allopathic medicine. In endoscopy, Grade 3 Oesophageal varices with some bleeding were seen. Apart from liver cirrhosis, the patient was also suffering from diabetes mellitus for 4 years. In Dec 2015 & Jan 2016, his sugar levels were very high.

    The patient was a vegetarian by diet. He liked salty food. He did not have any particular disliking for any food. He was intolerant to chilly weather. His thirst, urination, and sleep were normal. His bowel movements were not satisfactory. He had backache, acidity, and hypertension in his past history. Angioplasty was done in Dec. 2015

    He had been retired as an accountant. His wife was a homemaker. He had three sons and they all were settled in their life.

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    He was dominating in nature. He made his own rules and wanted them to be followed by everyone otherwise he would become angry and start shouting at his family members. He was very caring for his family. He was reserved in nature.

    In his family, his father had suffered from asthma and his mother had cancer. His sister had diabetes, and his brother had hypertension.

    Dr. Shah studied his case in detail and prescribed him his research-based molecules and Lycopodium 30 two doses.

    After four weeks, he gave his follow-up on 6th April 2016. His ascites had reduced by more than 70%. His swelling in legs and pitting oedema on the ankle was also reduced by 70%. His other symptoms showed some improvement in relief. The only issue was that he felt more exhausted. But, in endoscopy Grade 1-2 oesophageal varices were seen.

    On his follow-up on 28th May 2016, he reported more than 70% improvement in all symptoms. In his 21st May gastroscopy, Grade 1 oesophageal varices were seen which was a significant improvement.

    On his follow-up on 10th November 2016, his condition was under control, as all his symptoms except weakness showed a good improvement. His diabetes was also under control with medicine.

    A few months later, he visited the clinic on 6th March 2017. His condition was stable. This time his relief from weakness was also improved by 50%. He had a cough and unsatisfactory stool complaints for 7-8 days for that he was advised to take the allopathic medicine from his physician.

    On his 5th June 2017 follow-up, he reported a good improvement in his health. There was no aggravation in his condition. All his previous complaints responded well with homeopathic medicine.   

    He is still continuing the treatment for further recovery.


    As we know, homeopathic medications can prevent the progress of cirrhosis, It cannot cure the scarred tissues as such, since it is not possible to regenerate scarred tissues which is seen in this case, however homeopathic medicines restored the majority of the normal functions of the liver.

    -Written by Dr. Priyanka A, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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    A 64-years-old man, Mr. N.L.P. (Pin no-28138) consulted for his complaints of liver cirrhosis on 3rd March 2016 at the Pune Paud branch of Life Force. His liver cirrhosis was diagnosed one.....Read more

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