An IT teacher with Psoriasis on abdomen, back and legs got remarkable improvement with Dr. Shah’s homeopathic treatment.

    A mathematics teacher at IT, Mr. A. R. (Patient Identification Number - 20865) visited our clinic on 24th March 2013. He was 39 years old. He was suffering from Psoriasis for the past 3 years. His abdomen, back, both legs, and hands were affected. He had severe itching and scaling. He had used cortisone previously for 9 months. When he stopped using cortisone 2 months back his complaints flared up. Sudden heart attack bereaved him of his father. He was grief-stricken. The emotional setback was the triggering factor for his Psoriasis to flare up.

    He was also suffering from recurrent colds and sore throats. The frequency of these episodes was once in 2 months which lasted for about a week. He had to take antibiotics. He had to sneeze along with a sore throat. Occasionally he suffered from low-grade fever and nasal obstruction.

    He was a vegetarian with a good appetite. He had no specific craving but disliked meat. His thirst, perspiration, and urine were normal. He had normal bowel movements. His sleep was sound.

    He was a mathematics teacher. His wife was a homemaker and his 6-year-old son was studying in Std 1.

    He had suffered from rheumatoid arthritis in his childhood at the age of 7 for which he had taken conventional medication.

    His father was suffering from heart disease and diabetes mellitus. His mother was suffering from underactive thyroid.

    He was emotional by nature. He felt bereaved after his father’s death as it was due to a sudden heart attack. He was unable to deal with his father’s death. After which he had become anxious about his family members' health. He was helpful by nature.

    Dr. Shah prescribed him research-based medicines after studying his case in detail.

    The patient visited for his follow-up on 24th June 2013. His hands and abdomen were around 50% better. His legs and back showed mild improvement. The redness, scaling, and itching were improving gradually. His recurrent cold and sore throat had improved around 50 %. The frequency of his episodes was one episode in 3 months which lasted for 2-3 days. It was milder as compared to his previous episodes.

    The patient visited on 27th September 2013. He reported good improvement in Psoriasis. There were no new lesions. The old lesions were healing and redness, itching, and scaling had reduced on hands, legs, back, and abdomen. He was around 50% better. His complaint of the recurrent cold and sore throat had more than 75% improvement. He got one episode in 3 months. His complaint lasted for 1-2 days and he recovered without consuming antibiotics.

    The patient visited on 23rd December 2013. He reported remarkable improvement. Psoriasis on legs, hands, back, and abdomen was better around 75%. There was no redness or itching. The scaling had reduced been mild. There was no episode of recurrent cold and sore throat.

    He has been continuing with the medicines for further recovery.

    uploaded on 20 January 2014, by Dr. I. R.

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